Acute Porphyria Drug Database


N05AB06 - Trifluoperazine
Propably not porphyrinogenic

Substrate and in some cases inhibitor of Cyp2D6. No basis for assumption of Cyp TDI properties. 40 reports of safe use indcates that the phenothiaze -N/-S heterocycle is devod of porphyrogenicity in a way not significantly influenced by side chain structures.
Chemical description
Phenothiazin derivatives with dimethylaminopropyl side chain or piperazine ring side chain. Generally administered as water-soluble salts.
Therapeutic characteristics
Neuroleptics, anxtiolytics Antimuscarinic effects. Confounding side effects: Tachycardia
Hepatic exposure
In some cases probably significant
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
Generally metabolized by Cyp2D6, some being inhibitors of CypD6 without effects connected with significant Cyp TDI.
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 1 patient with acute porphyria. 40 reports of safe use of drugs within these two groups of phenotiazines, none of porphyrogenicity

Similar drugs
Explore alternative drugs in similar therapeutic classes N05A / N05AB or go back.

Tradenames and packages
From some sources, we get a list of packages (United Kingdom, Ireland, Estonia). Other sources contain more or less "clean" versions of the trade name (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway). What you see here is the raw data we get from each country, so there will appear to be duplicates. The bold names are the searchable terms. The gray names that follow are all mapped to the bolded term.
Note: The cleaning is done automatically by a proprietary algorithm, and it may produce errors. We strive to improve it continuously.
United Kingdom
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