Acute Porphyria Drug Database


B06AB01 - Hemin
Not porphyrinogenic

Hematin is not porphyrinogenic. On the contrary the therapeutic effect of this drug is anti-porphyrinogenic, and it is used for treating acute porphyric attacks.
Chemical description
Heme is a porphyrin-ring with a ferrous ion in the centre. It is from human origin. Different forms of heme-derrivatives (also called hemin) are included in this ATC, like hematin and heme arginate, in the latter, L-arginine is added to the heme component to prevent rapid degradation.
Therapeutic characteristics
Heme preprations are indicated for the treatment of severe or moderate acute porphyric attacks in patients predisposed for acute porphyria. The administration of heme causes a down-regulation of the heme-biosynthesis and thereby a decrease in the production of pophyrin precursors via negative feedback mechanisms. It is administered by infusion in a large antebrachial or central vein over a period of at least 30 minutes. The treatment is given once daily for up to a total of 4 days.
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
Heme is degraded to bilirubin and excreted in the feces.
Published experience
The use of heme-derivates for treatment of acute attacks in porphyria patients is well documented.
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 3 patients with acute porphyria.


# Citation details PMID
*Scientific articles
1. Pischik E, Kauppinen R, An update of clinical management of acute intermittent porphyria.
Appl Clin Genet. 2015; 8: 201–214.
*Drug reference publications
2. Martindale in Micromedex® 2.0 (electronic version). Hematin. (31.03.2017).
*Summary of Product Characteristics
3. The electronic Medicines Compendium (emc). Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). Normosang.

Similar drugs
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Tradenames and packages
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